The week gone by — April 25

It somehow slipped through the cracks that Sasha was out of her canned cat food, so I went to the store.

I made sure to get the sliced poultry and beef and not the pate, because she hates the pate.

They didn’t have the extra gravy that she likes, so I grabbed a 24-pack and noticed something interesting as I turned it over.

”Best if used by Feb. 2023.”

It’s April 2021, and even though they told me there’d be no math in this job, a little back-of-the-napkin calculation tells me that’s almost two years from now.

There were plenty of meat-adjacent items in the ingredients, and a bunch more that didn’t seem particularly meaty or much related to food at all, but I think they did slip some meat in there, and I’m pretty sure meat isn’t something you want to store at room temperature for two years.

Granted, it’s a moot point, since Sasha’s nightly can means the box will be empty in about 3 1/2 weeks, but it does make me wonder what I’m feeding my cat.


By the way, today’s Sasha’s birthday. She’s 11.


This was the most I’ve written in a while. There was a bit of a theme.

Getting our annual spring jaunt back made it feel like “normal” might be on the way.

I GOT MY FIRST SHOT! I might be a little excited … why do you ask?

I know the chances of infection from walking past someone is extremely low, but I still wear a mask when it happens. (I had been going back and forth about writing this, but Austin writing about making the world suck a little less convinced me.)


For T.B.C., Pea Green wrote about all the “first times” that come after loss.

Jamie has shared my frustration about waiting for a vaccine shot … which I know because we’ve talked about it. But a few days after I got mine, she got hers.

Vee got hers, too, and is very grateful.

Becky thinks about various things when she runs.

Renata has known for a long time that she doesn’t want children.

Jeff and his family didn’t have Beau for a long time, but it was a good time.

If you weren’t doing your current job, what would you do? Rosie wants to know.

Paul has now seen all of three “Pitch Perfect” movies. I have a feeling he thinks they should have stopped before they did.

A history lesson, courtesy of Lindsay’s son Joel.

Savannah has been working on building healthy habits.

People from Giggles’ past keep showing up, and she’d like them to stop.

Thomas is starting a series about his mental health.

Claire describes her first trimester, the second time around.

There are a bunch of things BereavedSingleDad doesn’t get … but one thing he really gets.

Zoe uses wearing nice shoes to note there’s a lot in life you don’t see.


Other than some of my former colleagues, the thing I miss most about Cape Cod.

Must … get … back … there … this … season.

There’s always someone to blame. At least she admitted to it.

I hope ours come back soon.

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