We can be ‘on-brand,’ but we’re not actually ‘brands’

“Which word in the English language annoys you?”

Asking me about something that annoys me? Talk about fish in a barrel!

“Piggybacking” annoys me, for reasons previously stated.

Someone in management at a place where Suzi used to work recently fired off “wonderings,” in the grand tradition of using a 25-cent word in a (usually vain) attempt to look smarter when a simple one would work just fine.

Using 25-cent words in an attempt to look smarter when a simple one would work just fine annoys me.

”Defenestration” annoys me, mainly because it’s too good of a word for “throwing someone out a window.”

People calling themselves a “brand” annoys me. Wendy’s is a brand. Hertz is a brand.

Saying something is “on-brand” for yourself, whether it’s extreme enthusiasm or getting extremely annoyed by things that are probably not worth getting annoyed over, doesn’t annoy me, because it’s basically slang.

But people saying they’re a “brand,” as if they’re something to market and not a living breathing human being, I want to …

… defenestrate it.

Liebster Award

This mini-rant about words that annoy me is the result of a question from Lindsay at Live, parent, teach repeat kindly nominating me for The Liebster Award, for which I thank her and will nominate others.

As for the remaining questions …

Do you still have a significant item from your childhood? If yes, what is it? — Not only do I still have my old desk from childhood, I still use it.

Have you ever switched allegiances? — I rooted for the Philadelphia 76ers as a kid, but after not watching the NBA for years, I started following the Boston Celtics once I moved to Massachusetts. I don’t pay a ton of attention to the league now, but that’s the best example I could come up with.

Do you dislike something which is extremely popular with everyone else? — I may be the one guy who doesn’t like Michael Jordan. Also, bacon.

Did you learn a new skill during lockdown? — Does learning how to do blog posts verbally instead of writing them count?

Who is the most famous person you have ever met? — I met Nolan Ryan the day before he was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Have you ever been mistaken for somebody else? — George Clooney … happens all the time.

Would you consider plastic surgery? — Never!

What has been your most extravagant purchase to date? — Probably a plane ticket for one of my trips to London, but it was worth it.

Which law would you repeal? — Let’s just say that for the most part, as long as no one’s being hurt or put in danger, I don’t care all that much what people do in their personal lives.

What advice would you give to your younger self? — “Don’t get so upset when you strike out.”

My question

Yes, just one.

When times are tough, how do you cope?

Take it away …









12 thoughts on “We can be ‘on-brand,’ but we’re not actually ‘brands’

    1. That’s why I made sure to distinguish between saying something is your “brand” (which is just slang for personality trait) and literally referring to themselves as a brand.

      And, of course, the second reference is to me. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I’m quite partial to defenstration.

    I think because it sounds so dirty, but it’s really not. It’s so similar to, well I’m sure you know what it’s similar too, I don’t need to ‘x rate’ your comment section about a word that really is innocent.

    I don’t know how to answer that question.
    I’ll think about it a couple of days. But I just wanted to say that I enjoy this rant. Now that I know your tick, I also plan on referring to myself as a brand from here on out.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the nomination! I’ll hopefully get my post out this week. I also agree with you about the whole “person as a brand thing.” We were taught that in college, like what can you offer a company/how to sell your skills, and I’m like, I’m such a boring person, no one would be interested in me as a brand. I always found it to be a bit weird.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: When Times Get Tough… – Strikeouts + Sprinkles

  4. Pingback: When Times Are Tough, How Do You Cope? – Rosie Culture

  5. Pingback: The week gone by — Aug. 16 – A Silly Place

  6. Pingback: Liebster Award + Coping With Tough Times - Dark Blue Journal

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