The week gone by — Jan. 3*

*And maybe some more, since last week was a bit slow and I didn’t do an actual recap the week before. My blog, my rules.

In news that should be as shocking as Tuesday following Monday, the top term on Lake Superior State’s 2021 list of banished words — complied since 1976 “to uphold, protect, and support excellence in language by encouraging avoidance of words and terms that are overworked, redundant, oxymoronic, clichéd, illogical, nonsensical—and otherwise ineffective, baffling, or irritating” — is “COVID-19” or any version of the word.

And like Wednesday follows Tuesday, the second word is “social distancing.”

Followed by “We’re all in this together,” “in an abundance of caution,” (or similar wordings), “in these uncertain times” (or similar wordings), “pivot” and “unprecedented.”

Yes, people really don’t want the virus dominating their conversation anymore, and I get it, given that after a while I started calling it … “you know” … when I wrote about it. I’m guessing Tony feels the same way

If everything goes well, maybe those words will become irrelevant — or as the “pivot” entry said, “basketball players pivot; let’s keep it that way” — by the time the 2022 list rolls around.

By the way, the other three words on the list were “Karen,” “sus” (I had not idea what it meant. Turns out it’s video game-speak for “suspicious.), and “I know, right?”


I had to get out, but on the shortest day of the year, time was not on my side.

Even when you listen to a lot of Christmas music, sometimes you get a surprise.

It feels like I mostly did two things in 2020. Writing was the other one.

I’m not an incredibly positive person, but decided I wanted to think about good things that happened in 2020 … and I recruited a bunch of my blogging buddies to join me.

As a new year begins, there’s something I want everyone to be able to do at the end.


Ken had a bit of a situation with a student once upon a time.

Renata doesn’t believe … except for the part where she does.

Michelle C. decides to reach for hope.

I’m pretty sure I saw this movie ages ago, but I don’t remember it well, and I certainly don’t remember anything Paul wrote about it.

Pea Green writes about the importance of seeing people’s weaknesses.

Claudia “throws back” some memories.

Claire shares highlights of 2020.

Lucy explains what it was like living with a disability in 2020.

Alexis is starting to rebuild a Christmas village.

Becky has a new planner and a set of resolutions for 2021.

Rosie struggles with bad memories even in places where she had happy ones.

How did Michelle break her craving for chocolate … by accident?

Meanwhile, Zoe has figured out a unique solution to various problems.

Vee went to a favorite place for Christmas.

How crazy was last year? Let’s just say Lindsay goes through the entire year and doesn’t mention something fairly important.

Austin tells us of Aaron and Holly’s discussion of New Year’s resolutions. These two … .

If you do make resolutions, Jamie has tips to help you keep them.

Savannah shares highlights of 2020.

Cass is focused on 2021.

Jo tested positive for COVID in June. She’s just getting over the last of the complications now.

I couldn’t describe this any better, so I’ll use his words instead of mine.


What he said.

Also this, and I don’t even drink.

Day games if you force me to pick, but if I’m there, I don’t care. (Please let it happen this year.)

You get your happiness where you can.

Yes, this will do.

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