A Christmas music challenge

If there’s one thing you learn from listening to a lot of Christmas music, it’s this …

… the vast majority of it never needed to be recorded.

That doesn’t make it bad — Kacey Musgraves does good versions of “Feliz Navidad” and “Christmas Don’t Be Late” — but much it is redundant.

Although some songs, the less said, the better. The world would have been just fine if we left this to Jimmy Buffett.

To me, the two best examples of songs that are best done by one artist are “Blue Christmas” by Elvis and Amy Grant’s “Grown-Up Christmas List.”

So here’s the challenge — in the comments, leave the link to your favorite Christmas song, but only the version you think is best.

The photo of Christmas carolers is from Jo-B on Pixabay.

3 thoughts on “A Christmas music challenge

  1. gigglingfattie

    I love Amy Grant’s “Grown-up Christmas List” It’s one of my favourites for the season. But my all time favourite is “All I want for Christmas is you” by Mariah Carey. I know it gets on the nerves of many people but I can’t help just crank the volume and belt it out every time.

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  2. “Christmas Wrapping” by the Waitresses will probably always be my favorite.

    If you like Amy Grant serenading your Christmas, I would recommend listening to “Breath of Heaven”. It’s lovely and haunting.


  3. Pingback: The only Christmas music guide you’ll need – A Silly Place

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